Plantfulness 9781786277268

Laurence King Publishing Ltd

Plantfulness 9781786277268

189 kr

189 kr

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Fre, 5 jul - ons, 10 jul

3-6 arbetsdagar


Not just a guide to keeping your plants alive and happy (though we've got that covered), Plantfulness is about finding the perfect plant for you! These cards will guide you through 50 houseplants that can give back in a symbiotic relationship in which you both thrive. From practical benefits (cleaner air, stunning scents) to emotional ones (creative inspiration, a sense of resilience, an appreciation of the transient beauty of the world), Plantfulness brings mindfulness to indoor gardening, helping you become one with nature, no matter how busy or plant-phobic you are.

Titel: Plantfulness
ISBN: 9781786277268
Bandtyp: Tarot/Orakel
Språk: Engelska

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Laurence King Publishing Ltd

Plantfulness 9781786277268

189 kr

189 kr

Få kvar

Beräknad leverans

Fre, 5 jul - ons, 10 jul

3-6 arbetsdagar

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