The Field Tarot 9781646710256

US Games Systems, Inc.

The Field Tarot 9781646710256

319 kr

319 kr

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BerÀknad leverans

Tor, 4 jul - tis, 9 jul

3-6 arbetsdagar


The Field Tarot was created to guide readers through the sacred space ("the field") where the tarot narrative takes place. Inspired by colorful, botanical, and otherworldly dreamscapes, the accessible artwork situates the reader within the scene, allowing them to easily connect with the card meanings. The Field Tarot acts as an intuitive tool to help readers navigate through life, relationships, and their inner and outward journeys.
Includes 78-card deck and 96-page guidebook.
Titel: The Field Tarot ISBN: 9781646710256 Bandtyp: Tarot/Orakel SprÄk: Engelska

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US Games Systems, Inc.

The Field Tarot 9781646710256

319 kr

319 kr

I lager

BerÀknad leverans

Tor, 4 jul - tis, 9 jul

3-6 arbetsdagar

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