Vanessa Tarot [With Instruction Booklet] 9781572815742

US Games Systems, Inc.

Vanessa Tarot [With Instruction Booklet] 9781572815742

229 kr

229 kr

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Beräknad leverans

Ons, 10 jul - mån, 15 jul

3-6 arbetsdagar


aking their inspiration from pop culture, the sassy but sage characters of Vanessa Tarot playfully reinterpret traditional female roles. With humor, glamour, and an attitude of adventure, the daring darlings of Vanessa Tarot share all their arcane secrets. This charming deck invites readers to join in the joy ride exploring life through the fanciful imagery of tarot. Presented in a keepsake tin, Vanessa Tarot includes 78 cards with 30-page instruction booklet.

"Vanessa Tarot has taken its inspiration from several areas of contemporary pop culture including female role models from the small and large screens of television and cinema, life-like fashion dolls, and heroines from comic books. In the same way that dolls encourage imaginative role-playing, Vanessa Tarot provides scenarios for examining our fantasies, fears, decisions, desires, and choices. The sassy but sage characters of Vanessa Tarot playfully reinterpret female roles, occupations, and social stereotypes from the housewife to the witch, and the princess to the scientist."

-- Lynyrd Narciso, Introduction to Vanessa Tarot

Titel: Vanessa Tarot [With Instruction Booklet]
ISBN: 9781572815742
Bandtyp: Tarot/Orakel
Språk: Engelska

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US Games Systems, Inc.

Vanessa Tarot [With Instruction Booklet] 9781572815742

229 kr

229 kr

I lager

Beräknad leverans

Ons, 10 jul - mån, 15 jul

3-6 arbetsdagar

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