Produkter från Brandeis university press
40 fynd
Pain and Shock in America – Politics, Advocacy, and the Controversial Treatment of People with Disabilities (inbunden, eng)
549 kr
tisdag, 8 aprUnacknowledged Kinships – Postcolonial Studies and the Historiography of Zionism (häftad, eng)
579 kr
tisdag, 8 aprHoly Rebellion (häftad, eng)
579 kr
tisdag, 8 aprMarie Blythe (häftad, eng)
329 kr
tisdag, 8 aprBig House, Little House, Back House, Barn – The Connected Farm Buildings of New England (häftad, eng)
479 kr
tisdag, 8 aprThree Ways to Be Alien (häftad, eng)
519 kr
tisdag, 8 aprThe Academy and the Award – The Coming of Age of Oscar and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (inbunden, eng)
529 kr
tisdag, 8 aprThe Philosopher Fish (häftad, eng)
489 kr
tisdag, 8 aprResplendent Synagogue – Architecture and Worship in an Eighteenth–Century Polish Community (häftad, eng)
689 kr
tisdag, 8 aprThe Road Washes Out in Spring – A Poet's Memoir of Living Off the Grid (häftad, eng)
379 kr
tisdag, 8 aprExpanding the Palace of Torah – Orthodoxy and Feminism (häftad, eng)
579 kr
tisdag, 8 aprBelonging and Betrayal – How Jews Made the Art World Modern (inbunden, eng)
549 kr
tisdag, 8 aprMaking Shabbat – Celebrating and Learning at American Jewish Summer Camps (häftad, eng)
519 kr
tisdag, 8 aprThe Simple Beauty of the Unexpected - A Natural Philosopher's Quest for Trout and the Meaning of Everything (häftad, eng)
379 kr
tisdag, 8 aprOne Planet, Many Worlds – The Climate Parallax (häftad, eng)
389 kr
tisdag, 8 aprTransmitting Jewish History – Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi in Conversation with Sylvie Anne Goldberg (inbunden, eng)
659 kr
tisdag, 8 aprBooks Like Sapphires (inbunden, eng)
639 kr
tisdag, 8 aprFirst Impressions – Sefer Hasidim and Early Modern Hebrew Printing (häftad, eng)
579 kr
tisdag, 8 aprDynamic Repetition – History and Messianism in Modern Jewish Thought (häftad, eng)
629 kr
tisdag, 8 aprBeginning to End the Climate Crisis – A History of Our Future (häftad, eng)
379 kr
tisdag, 8 aprDirshuni – Contemporary Women's Midrash (inbunden, eng)
439 kr
tisdag, 8 aprCome and Hear - What I Saw in My Seven-and-a-Half-Year Journey through the Talmud (inbunden, eng)
459 kr
tisdag, 8 aprThe Marital Knot (häftad, eng)
579 kr
tisdag, 8 aprA New Orient (häftad, eng)
579 kr
tisdag, 8 aprThe Myth of Progress – Toward a Sustainable Future (inbunden, eng)
379 kr
tisdag, 8 aprThe Soviet Jewish Bookshelf – Jewish Culture and Identity Between the Lines (häftad, eng)
579 kr
tisdag, 8 aprAntisemitism and the Politics of History (häftad, eng)
579 kr
tisdag, 8 aprBirdwatching in Maine (häftad, eng)
489 kr
tisdag, 8 aprUnlocking Learning (häftad, eng)
519 kr
tisdag, 8 aprJewish Universalisms (häftad, eng)
629 kr
tisdag, 8 aprThe Prelude (inbunden, eng)
549 kr
tisdag, 8 aprTeaching Israel (häftad, eng)
579 kr
tisdag, 8 aprWood Engraving – The Art of Wood Engraving and Relief Engraving (häftad, eng)
419 kr
tisdag, 8 aprWhere the Rivers Flow North (häftad, eng)
329 kr
tisdag, 8 aprThe Lamb Cycle – What the Great English Poets Would Have Written About Mary and Her Lamb (Had They Thought of It First) (inbunden, eng)
329 kr
tisdag, 8 aprThe Book of Looms – A History of the Handloom from Ancient Times to the Present (häftad, eng)
479 kr
tisdag, 8 aprFreshwater Fish of the Northeast (häftad, eng)
439 kr
tisdag, 8 aprGlikl – Memoirs 1691–1719 (häftad, eng)
329 kr
tisdag, 8 aprUncharitable – How Restraints on Nonprofits Undermine Their Potential (häftad, eng)
459 kr
tisdag, 8 aprHonoring the History of the Brandeis Library – An Insight into Brandeis` Special Collections (inbunden, eng)
369 kr
tisdag, 8 apr