The Astrological Grimoire 9781452170862

Laurence King Publishing Ltd

The Astrological Grimoire 9781452170862

169 kr

169 kr

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Fre, 5 jul - ons, 10 jul

3-6 arbetsdagar


This unique astrological perspective invites readers to discover themselves in every sign of the zodiac. Divided into 12 chapters, one for each sign, the book offers horoscopes based on moon phase and "mood phase"—emotions and life events—so readers can always find a horoscope that speaks to their current life moment. The Astrological Grimoire guides readers in understanding their birth chart so they can learn how all the signs impact their lives and find the right horoscope for any situation. This holistic and individualized book is ultimately an uplifting way to find meaning in the movements of the universe.

Titel: The Astrological Grimoire
ISBN: 9781452170862
Bandtyp: Inbunden
Språk: Engelska

Vikt, gram




Laurence King Publishing Ltd

The Astrological Grimoire 9781452170862

169 kr

169 kr

Få kvar

Beräknad leverans

Fre, 5 jul - ons, 10 jul

3-6 arbetsdagar

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