Produkter från The pragmatic programmers
12 fynd
Build Talking Apps for Alexa (häftad, eng)
469 kr
fredag, 31 janMachine Learning in Elixir (häftad, eng)
529 kr
fredag, 31 janPragmatic Unit Testing in Java with Junit, Third Edition (häftad, eng)
509 kr
fredag, 31 janKotlin and Android Develoment featuring Jetpack (häftad, eng)
489 kr
fredag, 31 janWeb Development with Clojure (häftad, eng)
469 kr
fredag, 31 janProgram Management for Open Source Projects (häftad, eng)
379 kr
fredag, 31 janServerless Apps on Cloudflare (häftad, eng)
509 kr
fredag, 31 janModern Vim (häftad, eng)
393 kr
fredag, 31 janTest-Driven React, Second Edition (häftad, eng)
459 kr
fredag, 31 janSeven Obscure Languages in Seven Weeks (häftad, eng)
529 kr
fredag, 31 janBecome a Great Engineering Leader (häftad, eng)
599 kr
fredag, 31 janPractices of an Agile Developer - Working in the Real World (häftad, eng)
319 kr
fredag, 31 jan