Green Witchcraft 9781398821873

Arcturus Publishing Limited

Green Witchcraft 9781398821873

169 kr

169 kr

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Fre, 5 jul - ons, 10 jul

3-6 arbetsdagar


This practical, beautifully illustrated full-colour hardback is a wonderful introduction to green witchcraft, with rituals and exercises to try at home.

Do you feel energized when out in nature? Do you like to surround yourself with plants and crystals? Are you interested in eco-living and reducing our impact on the planet?

Witches have always worked with nature to hone their craft. That deeply symbiotic relationship has meant that they have been at the forefront of the movement to protect the environment and take care of our beautiful planet. This enlightening guide outlines the practices of ethical witchcraft and includes spells for those witches keen to protect the Earth. These practices are broken down into easy-to-follow sections, making a perfect introduction to green witchcraft.

Learn to:
• Forage for spell ingredients
• Create an organic green witch's pantry
• Dry and store herbs
• Use essential oils
• Understand the tenets of hedgewitchery
• And other environmentally-friendly witchcraft practices

The spirit of green witchcraft is the essence of living in harmony with the world around you, and this practical, inspiring guide will help you do just that.

Titel: Green Witchcraft
ISBN: 9781398821873
Bandtyp: Inbunden
Språk: Engelska

Vikt, gram




Arcturus Publishing Limited

Green Witchcraft 9781398821873

169 kr

169 kr

Få kvar

Beräknad leverans

Fre, 5 jul - ons, 10 jul

3-6 arbetsdagar

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