Land Sky Oracle 9781572819979

US Games Systems, Inc.

Land Sky Oracle 9781572819979

319 kr

319 kr

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Beräknad leverans

Mån, 8 jul - tor, 11 jul

3-6 arbetsdagar


Inspired by her work as a yoga and meditation teacher and practitioner, Theresa Hutch created the Land Sky Oracle as a gentle guide through the Eight Limbs of Yoga as a path to true happiness. Her watercolor images of animals, deities, gems, and symbols provide a visual means of connecting with the ancient teachings of yoga, beyond the familiar physical poses and breath work. Land Sky Oracle includes 49 cards, a pull-out guide to the Eight Limbs of Yoga, and a 60-page guidebook with messages, keywords, focus work, yoga sutra, and affirmations for each card, providing practical ways to incorporate ancient yoga wisdom into our daily lives.

Titel: Land Sky Oracle: A Journey Through Patanjali's Eight Limbs of Yoga
ISBN: 9781572819979
Bandtyp: Tarot/Orakel
Språk: Engelska

Vikt, gram




US Games Systems, Inc.

Land Sky Oracle 9781572819979

319 kr

319 kr

I lager

Beräknad leverans

Mån, 8 jul - tor, 11 jul

3-6 arbetsdagar

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