The Gill Tarot 9780880794497
-29 %

US Games Systems, Inc.

The Gill Tarot 9780880794497

249 kr

249 kr

Tidigare lägsta pris:

349 kr

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Beräknad leverans

Ons, 10 jul - mån, 15 jul

3-6 arbetsdagar


The Gill Tarot, with stunning full pictorial art by Elizabeth Josephine Gill, enables readers to access and examine reflections of the subconscious through vivid symbolism. The deck is based on the kabbalistic Tree of Life and follows the structure of the Thoth tarot system. Includes 48-page booklet.

Titel: The Gill Tarot
ISBN: 9780880794497
Bandtyp: Tarot/Orakel
Språk: Engelska

Vikt, gram




US Games Systems, Inc.

The Gill Tarot 9780880794497

249 kr

249 kr

Tidigare lägsta pris:

349 kr

I lager

Beräknad leverans

Ons, 10 jul - mån, 15 jul

3-6 arbetsdagar

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