These Cards Will Change Your Career 9781786275264

Orion Publishing Group

These Cards Will Change Your Career 9781786275264

149 kr

149 kr

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Beräknad leverans

Fre, 5 jul - ons, 10 jul

3-6 arbetsdagar


This new series of self-help cards begins with advice on how to improve your working life. Feeling unfulfilled in your present job? Want to make the most out of your creativity but don't know how? Not sure where to go next? The cards offer 50 pieces of bite-sized but practical advice by an expert in the field. Get the cards and get your career back on track!

Titel: These Cards Will Change Your Career
ISBN: 9781786275264
Bandtyp: Tarot/Orakel
Språk: Engelska

Vikt, gram




Orion Publishing Group

These Cards Will Change Your Career 9781786275264

149 kr

149 kr

Få kvar

Beräknad leverans

Fre, 5 jul - ons, 10 jul

3-6 arbetsdagar

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